pharmaceutical meaning
pharmaceutical :
related to drugs or medicine
▪ The pharmaceutical company makes pills.
▪ The drug company makes pills.
▪ She works in the pharmaceutical industry.
▪ She works in the drug industry.
▪ medicinal – related to medicine
▪ therapeutic – related to healing
▪ medical – related to health
▪ clinical – related to treatment
pharmaceutical :
a drug or medicine
▪ The doctor prescribed a pharmaceutical.
▪ The doctor gave a medicine.
▪ She bought a pharmaceutical at the store.
▪ She bought a medicine at the store.
▪ drug – a medicine
▪ medication – a treatment
▪ remedy – a cure
▪ pill – a tablet
pharmaceutical [ˌfɑːrməˈsuːtɪkəl]
The stress is on 'ceu' and sounds like 'far-ma-soo-ti-kal'.
Common phrases and grammar about pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical - Common meaning
related to drugs or medicine
a drug or medicine
Part of Speech Changes for "pharmaceutical"
▪ pharmacy (noun) – a place to get medicine
▪ pharmacist (noun) – a person who gives medicine
Common Expressions with "pharmaceutical"
▪ pharmaceutical company – a company that makes drugs
▪ pharmaceutical industry – the business of making drugs
▪ pharmaceutical research – study of new drugs
▪ pharmaceutical product – a drug or medicine
Important examples of pharmaceutical in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, pharmaceutical is often used to describe companies or products related to medicine.
Example of a confusing word: pharmacological (related to the study of drugs)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, pharmaceutical often describes companies, industries, or products in TOEIC questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
pharmaceutical industry
'drug business', used in business contexts.
pharmaceutical giant
means 'a very big drug company', used to describe large companies.
Differences between similar words and pharmaceutical
Pharmaceutical is used for drugs and companies, while medicinal refers to the healing properties of a substance.
Words with the same origin as pharmaceutical
The origin of pharmaceutical
Pharmaceutical comes from the Greek 'pharmakeutikos', meaning 'drug or medicine'.
Word structure
It has the root pharm (drug), suffix eutical (related to), and means 'related to drugs'.
Words with the same origin
The root of pharmaceutical is pharm (drug). Words with the same root include pharmacy (place for drugs), pharmacist (person who gives drugs).