postmark meaning
postmark :
stamp, mark
▪ The postmark shows the date of mailing.
▪ The stamp shows when it was sent.
▪ Check the postmark for the mailing date.
▪ Look at the stamp for when it was sent.
▪ cancellation – stamp
▪ imprint – mark
postmark :
stamp, mark
▪ They postmarked the letter yesterday.
▪ They stamped the letter yesterday.
▪ The package was postmarked in New York.
▪ The package was stamped in New York.
▪ stamp – mark
▪ label – mark
postmark [ˈpoʊstˌmɑrk]
The stress is on 'post' and sounds like 'post-mark'.
Common phrases and grammar about postmark
postmark - Common meaning
stamp, mark
stamp, mark
Part of Speech Changes for "postmark"
▪ postmarked (adjective) – stamped with a date and place
Common Expressions with "postmark"
▪ check the postmark – look at the stamp
▪ postmark a letter – stamp a letter
▪ postmarked envelope – stamped envelope
▪ postmark date – stamp date
Important examples of postmark in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, postmark often refers to the date or place on a mailed item.
Example of a confusing word: trademark (a brand symbol)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, postmark is used as both a noun and a verb, focusing on the action of stamping.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
postmark deadline
'the last date for mailing', used in official documents.
postmarked by midnight
means 'stamped before the end of the day', often used in deadlines.
Differences between similar words and postmark
Postmark refers specifically to the mailing date and place, while stamp can refer to any mark or seal.
Postmark is used for mailing details, while imprint can be any kind of mark or impression.
Words with the same origin as postmark
The origin of postmark
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.