precipitation meaning
precipitation :
rain, snow
▪ Precipitation is expected tomorrow.
▪ Rain or snow is expected tomorrow.
▪ The precipitation was heavy last night.
▪ The rain was strong last night.
▪ rainfall – rain
▪ snowfall – snow
▪ drizzle – light rain
▪ downpour – heavy rain
precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən]
The stress is on 'ta' and sounds like 'pri-sip-i-tay-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about precipitation
precipitation - Common meaning
rain, snow
Part of Speech Changes for "precipitation"
▪ precipitate (verb) – to cause to happen quickly
▪ precipitous (adjective) – very steep or fast
Common Expressions with "precipitation"
▪ heavy precipitation – a lot of rain or snow
▪ light precipitation – a little rain or snow
▪ annual precipitation – yearly rain or snow amount
▪ precipitation forecast – prediction of rain or snow
Important examples of precipitation in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, precipitation is often used to describe weather conditions.
Example of a confusing word: participation (involvement)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Precipitation is a noun and often appears in questions about weather reports in TOEIC.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
chance of precipitation
means 'possibility of rain or snow', used in weather forecasts.
precipitation event
means 'a weather event involving rain or snow'.
Differences between similar words and precipitation
Precipitation includes all forms of water falling from the sky, while rainfall specifically refers to rain.
Precipitation includes rain, snow, and hail, while snowfall refers specifically to snow.
Words with the same origin as precipitation
The origin of precipitation
precipitation comes from the Latin 'praecipitare', meaning 'to throw down', which evolved to mean 'falling of water'.
Word structure
It has the prefix pre (before), root cipit (head), and suffix ation (noun), meaning 'to throw down'.
Words with the same origin
The root of precipitation is cipit (head). Words with the same root include precipice (a steep cliff).