precisely meaning
precisely :
exactly, accurately
▪ She arrived precisely at noon.
▪ She arrived exactly at noon.
▪ The instructions were followed precisely.
▪ The instructions were followed accurately.
▪ exactly – precisely
▪ accurately – precisely
▪ correctly – precisely
▪ meticulously – precisely
precisely [prɪˈsaɪsli]
The stress is on 'sise' and sounds like 'pri-sise-lee'.
Common phrases and grammar about precisely
precisely - Common meaning
exactly, accurately
Part of Speech Changes for "precisely"
▪ precision (noun) – exactness or accuracy
▪ precise (adjective) – exact or accurate
Common Expressions with "precisely"
▪ precisely timed – exactly timed
▪ precisely measured – accurately measured
▪ precisely defined – clearly defined
▪ precisely aligned – exactly aligned
Important examples of precisely in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, precisely is often used to emphasize exactness or accuracy.
Example of a confusing word: approximately (roughly)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Precisely is used as an adverb to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, often appearing in grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
precisely speaking
'to be exact', used when giving detailed information.
hit the nail on the head
means 'to be exactly right', used to describe precision in understanding or action.
Differences between similar words and precisely
Precisely and exactly are often interchangeable, but precisely can imply more careful attention to detail.
Words with the same origin as precisely
The origin of precisely
The word 'precisely' comes from the Latin 'praecisus', meaning 'cut off' or 'exact'.
Word structure
It has the prefix pre (before), root cise (cut), and suffix ly (adverb), meaning 'in an exact manner'.
Words with the same origin
The root of precisely is cise (cut). Words with the same root include concise (brief), excise (cut out), incise (cut into).