predict meaning
predict :
to foresee, to guess the future
▪ Scientists predict rain tomorrow.
▪ Scientists guess it will rain tomorrow.
▪ He predicted the winner of the game.
▪ He guessed who would win the game.
▪ forecast – to say what will happen
▪ foresee – to see ahead
▪ anticipate – to expect something
▪ project – to estimate the future
predict [prɪˈdɪkt]
The stress is on 'dict' and sounds like 'pri-dikt'.
Common phrases and grammar about predict
predict - Common meaning
to foresee, to guess the future
Part of Speech Changes for "predict"
▪ prediction (noun) – a guess about the future
▪ predictable (adjective) – easy to guess
Common Expressions with "predict"
▪ predict the weather – to guess the weather
▪ predict the outcome – to guess the result
▪ predict future trends – to guess future patterns
▪ predict accurately – to guess correctly
Important examples of predict in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, predict is often used to talk about future events or outcomes.
Example of a confusing word: forecast (to estimate)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Predict is often used with nouns like outcome, future, and trends in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
predict the future
'guess what will happen', used in discussions about upcoming events.
predict the unpredictable
means 'to guess something that is hard to guess'.
Differences between similar words and predict
Predict is used for general future events, while forecast is often used for weather or economic conditions.
Words with the same origin as predict
The origin of predict
Predict comes from the Latin 'praedicere', meaning 'to say before'.
Word structure
It has the prefix pre (before), root dict (say), and means 'to say before'.
Words with the same origin
The root of predict is dict (say). Words with the same root include dictate (to command), contradict (to say the opposite), and verdict (a decision).