prime meaning
prime :
main, best
▪ This is a prime example of teamwork.
▪ This is a main example of teamwork.
▪ She is the prime candidate for the job.
▪ She is the best candidate for the job.
▪ main – most important
▪ chief – most important
▪ top – best
▪ leading – most important
prime :
best time, peak
▪ He is in the prime of his career.
▪ He is in the best time of his career.
▪ The fruit is at its prime now.
▪ The fruit is at its best now.
▪ peak – best time
▪ height – best time
▪ zenith – best time
▪ apex – best time
prime :
prepare, get ready
▪ She primed the wall for painting.
▪ She prepared the wall for painting.
▪ He primed the team for the game.
▪ He got the team ready for the game.
▪ prepare – get ready
▪ ready – get ready
▪ set – get ready
▪ equip – get ready
prime [praɪm]
The stress is on the whole word and sounds like 'prym'.
Common phrases and grammar about prime
prime - Common meaning
main, best
best time, peak
prepare, get ready
Part of Speech Changes for "prime"
▪ primacy (noun) – the state of being first or most important
▪ primarily (adverb) – mainly
▪ primal (adjective) – first or original
▪ primer (noun) – a book for teaching basic skills
Common Expressions with "prime"
▪ prime example – best example
▪ prime candidate – best candidate
▪ prime time – best time
▪ prime the pump – prepare for success
Important examples of prime in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, prime is often used to mean the best or most important.
Example of a confusing word: primary (first or main)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, prime often modifies nouns to indicate importance or quality in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
prime time
'best time', used for TV shows or events.
prime the pump
means 'to prepare for success', often used in business.
Differences between similar words and prime
Prime means the best or most important, while main means the most central or principal.
Prime means best in quality, while chief means most important in rank or position.
Words with the same origin as prime
The origin of prime
prime comes from the Latin 'primus', meaning first or best.
Word structure
It has the root prim (first), indicating the best or most important.
Words with the same origin
The root of prime is prim (first). Words with the same root include primary (first), primitive (early stage).