procrastinate meaning
procrastinate :
to delay, to put off doing something
▪ He procrastinates his homework until the last minute.
▪ He delays his homework until the last minute.
▪ She procrastinated cleaning her room.
▪ She delayed cleaning her room.
▪ delay – to put off
▪ postpone – to move to a later time
▪ defer – to delay or put off
▪ stall – to stop or delay
procrastinate [proʊˈkræs.tɪ.neɪt]
The stress is on 'crast' and sounds like 'proh-kras-ti-nate'.
Common phrases and grammar about procrastinate
procrastinate - Common meaning
to delay, to put off doing something
Part of Speech Changes for "procrastinate"
▪ procrastination (noun) – the act of delaying
▪ procrastinator (noun) – a person who delays
Common Expressions with "procrastinate"
▪ procrastinate on tasks – to delay tasks
▪ procrastinate until the deadline – to delay until the last moment
▪ procrastinate doing chores – to delay chores
▪ procrastinate studying – to delay studying
Important examples of procrastinate in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, procrastinate is often used to describe delaying work or tasks.
Example of a confusing word: prevaricate (to avoid telling the truth)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Procrastinate is often used as a verb, focusing on the action of delaying.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
procrastinate on a task
'delay doing a task', used when talking about work or assignments.
procrastinate until the last minute
means 'to delay until the very end'.
Differences between similar words and procrastinate
Procrastinate is often used for putting off tasks due to laziness, while delay can be for any reason.
Words with the same origin as procrastinate
The origin of procrastinate
procrastinate comes from the Latin 'procrastinare', which means 'to put off until tomorrow'.
Word structure
It has the prefix pro (forward), root crastin (tomorrow), and suffix ate (verb), meaning 'to move forward to tomorrow'.
Words with the same origin
The root of procrastinate is crastin (tomorrow). The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.