progress meaning
progress :
improvement, advancement
▪ She has made progress in her studies.
▪ She has improved in her studies.
▪ The project is in progress.
▪ The project is moving forward.
▪ development – improvement
▪ growth – advancement
▪ advancement – improvement
▪ headway – forward movement
progress :
to move forward, to improve
▪ She is progressing well in her job.
▪ She is moving forward in her job.
▪ The work is progressing slowly.
▪ The work is moving forward slowly.
▪ advance – to move forward
▪ develop – to improve
▪ evolve – to change and improve
▪ proceed – to continue moving forward
progress [ˈprɒɡrɛs]
As a noun, the stress is on 'pro' and sounds like 'prog-res'.
progress [prəˈɡrɛs]
As a verb, the stress is on 'gress' and sounds like 'pruh-gres'.
Common phrases and grammar about progress
progress - Common meaning
improvement, advancement
to move forward, to improve
Part of Speech Changes for "progress"
▪ progression (noun) – the act of moving forward
▪ progressive (adjective) – moving forward or improving
▪ progressively (adverb) – in a way that moves forward
▪ progressed (adjective) – having moved forward
Common Expressions with "progress"
▪ make progress – to improve
▪ in progress – happening now
▪ show progress – to display improvement
▪ slow progress – improvement that is not fast
Important examples of progress in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, progress often refers to improvement or advancement in work or studies.
Example of a confusing word: process (a series of actions)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, progress is used as both a noun and a verb, focusing on the action of moving forward.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
make progress
'to improve', used in contexts of learning or development.
a work in progress
means 'something that is still being worked on'.
Differences between similar words and progress
Progress is often used for moving forward or improving, while advancement is more about moving up in rank or position.
Progress can mean moving forward in general, while development often refers to a process of growth or change.
Words with the same origin as progress
The origin of progress
progress comes from the Latin 'progressus', meaning 'to go forward'.
Word structure
It has the prefix pro (forward), root gress (step), and means 'to step forward'.
Words with the same origin
The root of progress is gress (step). Words with the same root include regress (to step back), digress (to step aside), and transgress (to step across).