quicken meaning
quicken :
to speed up, to make faster
▪ The runner quickened his pace.
▪ The runner made his pace faster.
▪ She quickened her steps to catch the bus.
▪ She made her steps faster to catch the bus.
▪ accelerate – to speed up
▪ hasten – to make happen sooner
▪ speed up – to go faster
▪ increase – to make more
quicken [ˈkwɪk.ən]
The stress is on 'quick' and sounds like 'kwik-en'.
Common phrases and grammar about quicken
quicken - Common meaning
to speed up, to make faster
Part of Speech Changes for "quicken"
▪ quick (adjective) – fast or speedy
▪ quickly (adverb) – in a fast manner
▪ quickness (noun) – the state of being fast
Common Expressions with "quicken"
▪ quicken the pace – to make the speed faster
▪ quicken the process – to make the process faster
▪ quicken one's heartbeat – to make the heartbeat faster
▪ quicken interest – to make interest grow faster
Important examples of quicken in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, quicken often means to speed up a process or action.
Example of a confusing word: weaken (to make less strong)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Quicken is often used as a transitive verb, requiring an object, in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
quicken the pace
'speed up the speed', often used in business or personal development contexts.
quicken one's pulse
means 'to make one's heart beat faster', used in both literal and figurative senses.
Differences between similar words and quicken
Quicken means to make something faster, while accelerate often refers to increasing speed over time.
Quicken means to make something faster, while hasten often implies urgency or necessity.
Words with the same origin as quicken
The origin of quicken
The word quicken originates from the Old English 'cwic', meaning alive, and evolved to mean making something faster or more lively.
Word structure
It has the root 'quick' (alive or fast) and the suffix 'en' (to make), meaning 'to make fast'.
Words with the same origin
The root of quicken is 'quick'. Words with the same root include quick (fast), quickness (speed).