regular meaning
regular :
usual, normal
▪ She goes for a regular walk every morning.
▪ She goes for a usual walk every morning.
▪ He has a regular job from 9 to 5.
▪ He has a normal job from 9 to 5.
▪ routine – usual
▪ standard – normal
▪ typical – usual
▪ consistent – steady
regular :
a usual customer, a normal pattern
▪ He is a regular at the coffee shop.
▪ He is a usual customer at the coffee shop.
▪ The regulars meet every Friday.
▪ The usual people meet every Friday.
▪ patron – customer
▪ habit – usual way
▪ pattern – usual way
▪ customer – buyer
regular [ˈrɛɡ.jə.lər]
The stress is on 'reg' and sounds like 'reg-yuh-lur'.
Common phrases and grammar about regular
regular - Common meaning
usual, normal
a usual customer, a normal pattern
Part of Speech Changes for "regular"
▪ regularly (adverb) – usually or normally
▪ regularity (noun) – the state of being usual or normal
▪ regulate (verb) – to control or make usual
Common Expressions with "regular"
▪ regular customer – usual buyer
▪ regular schedule – usual timetable
▪ regular pattern – usual way
▪ regular meeting – usual gathering
Important examples of regular in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, regular often means 'usual' or 'normal'.
Example of a confusing word: irregular (not normal or usual)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Regular is often used as an adjective in TOEIC grammar questions to describe something usual or consistent.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
regular customer
'usual buyer', used in business contexts.
regular as clockwork
means 'happening at the same time every time'.
Differences between similar words and regular
Regular means usual or normal, while routine often implies a set series of actions.
Regular means normal in pattern, while standard often refers to a level of quality.
Words with the same origin as regular
The origin of regular
regular comes from the Latin 'regularis', meaning 'ruled' or 'consistent'.
Word structure
It has the root regul (rule) and suffix ar (adjective), meaning 'ruled or consistent'.
Words with the same origin
The root of regular is regul (rule). Words with the same root include regulate (to control), regulation (a rule).