renovate meaning
renovate :
to restore, to repair
▪ They will renovate the building next year.
▪ They will restore the building next year.
▪ The company decided to renovate the office.
▪ The company decided to repair the office.
▪ refurbish – to restore
▪ remodel – to change the structure
▪ overhaul – to examine and repair completely
▪ update – to make something more modern
renovate [rɪˈnoʊ.veɪt]
The stress is on the second syllable 'no' and sounds like 'ri-noh-vate'.
Common phrases and grammar about renovate
renovate - Common meaning
to restore, to repair
Part of Speech Changes for "renovate"
▪ renovation (noun) – the act of renovating or the process of improving something
▪ renovative (adjective) – relating to renovation, characterized by renovation
Common Expressions with "renovate"
▪ renovate a house – to make improvements to a house
▪ renovate the office – to improve or modernize the office
▪ renovate the kitchen – to upgrade the kitchen
▪ renovate the building – to restore the building
Important examples of renovate in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, renovate usually means to repair or improve a building or space.
Example of a confusing word: innovate (to introduce new ideas)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Renovate is used as a verb, often requiring an object such as a building or space in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
renovate the building
means 'repair or improve the building', used when discussing updates.
renovate the office space
means 'improve the workspace', used when discussing office improvements.
Differences between similar words and renovate
renovate means to improve or restore fully, while repair usually refers to fixing something broken.
renovate means to make significant improvements, while refurbish often refers to making something look better.
Words with the same origin as renovate
The origin of renovate
renovate comes from the Latin 'renovare', meaning 'to make new again'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 're' (again), root 'nov' (new), and suffix 'ate' (verb), so renovate means 'to make new again'.
Words with the same origin
The root of renovate is 'nov' (new). Words with the same root include novel (new, book), novice (new person), innovation (making new), notify (make known).