repudiation meaning
repudiation :
rejection, refusal
▪ They issued a repudiation of the contract.
▪ They rejected the contract.
▪ His repudiation caused the agreement to fail.
▪ His refusal caused the agreement to fail.
▪ rejection – refusal
▪ denial – refusal
▪ refusal – rejection
▪ denial – rejection
repudiation [rɪˌpjuː.diˈeɪ.ʃən]
The stress is on the fourth syllable ‘eɪ’. It sounds like 'ri-pyoo-dee-ay-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about repudiation
repudiation - Common meaning
rejection, refusal
Part of Speech Changes for "repudiation"
▪ repudiate (verb) – to reject or deny
▪ repudiatory (adjective) – relating to rejection
Common Expressions with "repudiation"
▪ issue a repudiation – to formally reject something
▪ formally reject a statement – to officially deny something
▪ make a refusal – to say no officially
▪ announce a rejection – to declare no to something
Important examples of repudiation in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, repudiation is often used to refer to rejecting or denying a statement or agreement.
Example of a confusing word: reputation (the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As a noun, repudiation is used to denote the act of rejecting something, often in formal contexts.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
contract repudiation
'rejection of a contract', used when a party refuses to honor a contract.
categorical repudiation
'complete rejection', used to firmly deny something.
Differences between similar words and repudiation
repudiation is used to formally reject something, while rejection can be more general.
repudiation is a formal rejection, whereas refusal is simply saying no.
Words with the same origin as repudiation
The origin of repudiation
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.