resolution meaning
resolution :
decision, determination
▪ She made a resolution to exercise more.
▪ She made a decision to exercise more.
▪ His resolution was to learn a new language.
▪ His decision was to learn a new language.
▪ determination – decision
▪ commitment – determination
▪ intention – decision
▪ purpose – reason
resolution [ˌrɛz.əˈluː.ʃən]
The stress is on the third syllable 'lu' and sounds like 'rez-uh-LOO-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about resolution
resolution - Common meaning
decision, determination
Part of Speech Changes for "resolution"
▪ resolve (verb) – to decide firmly
▪ resolute (adjective) – determined
▪ resolutely (adverb) – in a determined way
▪ resoluteness (noun) – the quality of being determined
Common Expressions with "resolution"
▪ make a resolution – decide to do something
▪ pass a resolution – agree on a decision
▪ adopt a resolution – take a decision
▪ keep a resolution – stick to the decision
Important examples of resolution in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, resolution usually refers to a firm decision or a solution to a problem.
Example of a confusing word: revolution (a significant change or overthrow)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, resolution is used as a noun and may be the subject or object in sentences.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
New Year's resolution
'a decision made at New Year' used in setting goals.
pass a resolution
means 'to agree on a decision' used in meetings.
Differences between similar words and resolution
resolution is a firm or formal decision, while decision is a general choice between options.
resolution is a firm decision, while solution is an answer to a problem.
Words with the same origin as resolution
The origin of resolution
resolution comes from the Latin 'resolver', which means 'to decide firmly'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 're' (thoroughly), the root 'solve' (to loosen), and the suffix '-tion' (noun), so resolution means 'the act of deciding thoroughly'.
Words with the same origin
The root of resolution is 'solve'. Words with the same root include solve, solvent, and solvable.