satisfy meaning
satisfy :
to meet needs or expectations, to make happy
▪ He satisfied his hunger with an apple.
▪ He made himself full with an apple.
▪ The job satisfies her need for creativity.
▪ The job meets her need for creativity.
▪ fulfill – to meet
▪ meet – to satisfy
▪ gratify – to please
▪ content – to make happy
satisfy [ˈsætəsfaɪ]
The stress is on the first syllable 'sat' and sounds like 'SAT-iss-fy'.
Common phrases and grammar about satisfy
satisfy - Common meaning
to meet needs or expectations, to make happy
Part of Speech Changes for "satisfy"
▪ satisfaction (noun) – the act of satisfying or the state of being satisfied
▪ satisfactory (adjective) – meeting expectations or needs
Common Expressions with "satisfy"
▪ satisfy a need – to meet a need
▪ satisfy demand – to meet the demand
▪ satisfy curiosity – to fulfill curiosity
▪ satisfy a requirement – to meet a requirement
Important examples of satisfy in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, satisfy is usually used to mean to meet or fulfill requirements or expectations.
Example of a confusing word: suffice (to be enough)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, satisfy is used as a transitive verb and requires an object.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
satisfy one's needs
to meet one's needs
satisfy one's curiosity
to fulfill one's curiosity
Differences between similar words and satisfy
satisfy means to meet or exceed needs or expectations, while fulfill means to complete or carry out something fully.
satisfy means to meet or exceed needs or expectations, while meet generally means to reach or come together with something or someone.
Words with the same origin as satisfy
The origin of satisfy
satisfy comes from the Latin 'satisfacere', which means 'to do enough to make someone happy or meet their needs'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 'satis' (enough) and the root 'facere' (to make), so satisfy means 'to make enough'.
Words with the same origin
The root of satisfy is 'facere' (to make). Words with the same root include factory, manufacture, facilitate, function.