screw meaning
screw :
fastener, bolt
▪ He tightened the screw with a screwdriver.
▪ He fastened the board with a screwdriver.
▪ The screw was loose.
▪ The bolt was not tight.
▪ fastener – screw
▪ bolt – screw
▪ anchor – screw
▪ pin – screw
screw :
tighten, fasten
▪ Please screw the lid onto the jar.
▪ Please fasten the lid onto the jar.
▪ She screwed the screws into the wood.
▪ She fastened the screws into the wood.
▪ tighten – screw
▪ fasten – screw
▪ install – screw
▪ attach – screw
screw [skruː]
The word is pronounced like 'skroo'.
screw [skruː]
The word is pronounced like 'skroo'.
Common phrases and grammar about screw
screw - Common meaning
fastener, bolt
tighten, fasten
Part of Speech Changes for "screw"
▪ screwdrivers (noun) – tools to turn screws
▪ screwy (adjective) – funny, strange
Common Expressions with "screw"
▪ tighten a screw – make the screw tighter
▪ loosen a screw – make the screw loose
▪ insert a screw – put a screw in
▪ remove a screw – take a screw out
Important examples of screw in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, screw as a noun usually refers to a metal fastener with a threaded shaft used to join materials.
Example of a confusing word: nail (a different type of fastener)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, screw is used as a noun or a verb, and might require choosing the correct part of speech based on the context.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
screw up
to make a mistake or do something badly
screw up
to make a mistake in performing a task
Differences between similar words and screw
screw is a threaded fastener turned with a tool, while bolt is usually used with a nut and not turned directly.
screw is a specific tool for fastening, while fasten is a general term for securing objects together.
Words with the same origin as screw
The origin of screw
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.