security meaning
security :
safety, protection
▪ The security at the airport is very strict.
▪ The safety at the airport is very strict.
▪ We need more security in the building.
▪ We need more protection in the building.
▪ safety – protection
▪ protection – keeping safe
▪ defense – guarding
▪ assurance – guarantee
security [sɪˈkjʊərəti]
The stress is on 'cu' and sounds like 'si-kyoor-i-tee'.
Common phrases and grammar about security
security - Common meaning
safety, protection
Part of Speech Changes for "security"
▪ secure (verb) – to make safe
▪ secure (adjective) – safe or protected
▪ securely (adverb) – in a safe way
Common Expressions with "security"
▪ security system – safety system
▪ security guard – safety guard
▪ security measures – safety steps
▪ security clearance – permission for access
Important examples of security in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, security often refers to measures taken to ensure safety.
Example of a confusing word: surety (a guarantee)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Security is often used in TOEIC grammar questions to describe nouns related to safety.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
security blanket
'something that gives comfort', used metaphorically.
false sense of security
'feeling safe when not really safe'.
Differences between similar words and security
Security is more about protection from threats, while safety is about being free from harm.
Security is about keeping safe from threats, while protection is about defending from harm.
Words with the same origin as security
The origin of security
The word 'security' comes from the Latin 'securitas', meaning freedom from care.
Word structure
It has the prefix se (without), root cur (care), and suffix ity (state), meaning 'state of being without care'.
Words with the same origin
The root of security is cur (care). Words with the same root include cure (to heal), curate (to care for).