setback meaning
setback :
a problem, a delay
▪ The project faced a setback.
▪ The project had a problem.
▪ They experienced a setback in sales.
▪ They had a delay in sales.
▪ obstacle – problem
▪ hindrance – delay
▪ barrier – obstacle
▪ delay – hindrance
setback [ˈsɛt.bæk]
The stress is on the first syllable and sounds like 'set-bak'.
Common phrases and grammar about setback
setback - Common meaning
a problem, a delay
Part of Speech Changes for "setback"
▪ set back (verb) – to delay or prevent progress
▪ setbacks (plural noun) – multiple problems or delays
Common Expressions with "setback"
▪ face a setback – to encounter a problem
▪ overcome a setback – to get past a problem
▪ suffer a setback – to experience a problem
▪ experience a setback – to go through a problem
Important examples of setback in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, setback is often used to indicate a problem or delay in plans.
Example of a confusing word: setup (arrangement)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, setback is used as a noun and often serves as the subject or object in a sentence.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
face a setback
to encounter a problem
hit a setback
to experience a problem
Differences between similar words and setback
setback is a problem that slows progress, while obstacle is something that blocks progress directly.
setback is a problem that causes a delay, whereas delay refers specifically to the time that is lost.
Words with the same origin as setback
The origin of setback
'Setback' is formed by combining 'set' and 'back', meaning a delay or problem that moves progress backward.
Word structure
The word is composed of 'set' (to place) and 'back' (the rear), so 'setback' means to place behind, causing delay.
Words with the same origin
The root of 'setback' is 'set'. Words with the same root include 'settle', 'setting', 'settler', and 'setter'.