shrewd meaning
shrewd :
clever, smart
▪ She made a shrewd decision.
▪ She made a smart decision.
▪ He is a shrewd businessman.
▪ He is a clever businessman.
▪ astute – very clever
▪ sharp – quick to understand
▪ insightful – able to see deep truths
▪ perceptive – able to notice things easily
shrewd [ʃruːd]
The stress is on the whole word and sounds like 'shrood'.
Common phrases and grammar about shrewd
shrewd - Common meaning
clever, smart
Part of Speech Changes for "shrewd"
▪ shrewdness (noun) – cleverness or smartness
▪ shrewdly (adverb) – in a clever or smart way
Common Expressions with "shrewd"
▪ shrewd investor – a clever investor
▪ shrewd move – a smart action
▪ shrewd observation – a clever notice
▪ shrewd judgment – a smart decision
Important examples of shrewd in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, shrewd is often used to describe someone who makes smart decisions.
Example of a confusing word: crude (unrefined or raw)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Shrewd is used as an adjective and often modifies nouns like decision, move, or judgment in TOEIC questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
shrewd move
'smart action', used in business contexts to describe a clever strategy.
shrewd as a fox
means 'very clever', used to describe someone extremely smart.
Differences between similar words and shrewd
Shrewd means clever in practical matters, while astute often implies cleverness in understanding complex situations.
Shrewd implies being smart and practical, while cunning often implies being smart but deceitful.
Words with the same origin as shrewd
The origin of shrewd
The word 'shrewd' comes from Middle English 'shrewed', meaning 'wicked' or 'evil', which evolved to mean 'clever'.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.