shutter meaning
shutter :
a window covering, a camera mechanism
▪ She closed the shutters before it got dark.
▪ She closed the window coverings before it got dark.
▪ The photographer adjusted the shutter to let in more light.
▪ The photographer adjusted the camera mechanism to let in more light.
▪ blind – window covering
▪ camera mechanism – shutter
▪ shades – window covering
▪ louvers – window coverings
shutter :
to close shutters, to cover windows, to operate a camera’s shutter
▪ They shuttered the store during the storm.
▪ They closed the shutters during the storm.
▪ He shuttered his camera quickly.
▪ He operated his camera quickly.
▪ close – shutter
▪ cover – shutter
▪ secure – shutter
▪ block – shutter
shutter [ˈʃʌtər]
The word is pronounced 'SHU-tər' with stress on the first syllable.
shutter [ˈʃʌtər]
The word is pronounced the same as the noun, 'SHU-tər'.
Common phrases and grammar about shutter
shutter - Common meaning
a window covering, a camera mechanism
to close shutters, to cover windows, to operate a camera’s shutter
Part of Speech Changes for "shutter"
▪ There are no significant part of speech derivatives for 'shutter'.
Common Expressions with "shutter"
▪ window shutters – covers for windows
▪ shutter speed – camera setting to control light
▪ close the shutters – to cover the windows
▪ open the shutters – to uncover the windows
Important examples of shutter in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, shutter is often used to refer to window coverings or camera mechanisms.
Example of a confusing word: shutter (to close down)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, shutter can be used as both a noun and a verb, requiring understanding of its usage in context.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
shutter speed
the speed at which a camera's shutter opens and closes
shutter speed
controls the amount of light entering the camera
Differences between similar words and shutter
shutter is a solid window covering typically made of wood or metal, while blinds are usually adjustable and made of slats.
shutter is a solid covering for windows for protection, while curtains are fabric panels used for decoration and privacy.
Words with the same origin as shutter
The origin of shutter
shutter comes from the word 'shut', meaning to close or cover.
Word structure
The word is made of the root 'shut' and the suffix 'ter', so shutter means 'something that closes'.
Words with the same origin
The root of shutter is 'shut'. Words with the same root include 'shut', 'shutdown', and 'shut off'.