solid meaning
solid :
firm, strong
▪ The table is solid wood.
▪ The table is made of strong wood.
▪ She gave a solid answer.
▪ She gave a strong answer.
▪ firm – strong
▪ sturdy – strong
▪ robust – strong
▪ stable – not moving
solid :
a firm or strong substance
▪ Ice is a solid.
▪ Ice is a firm thing.
▪ Solids have fixed shapes.
▪ Firm things have fixed shapes.
▪ substance – thing
▪ matter – thing
▪ material – thing
▪ object – thing
solid [ˈsɒl.ɪd]
The stress is on 'sol' and sounds like 'sol-id'.
Common phrases and grammar about solid
solid - Common meaning
firm, strong
a firm or strong substance
Part of Speech Changes for "solid"
▪ solidity (noun) – firmness or strength
▪ solidify (verb) – to make firm or strong
▪ solidly (adverb) – in a firm or strong way
Common Expressions with "solid"
▪ solid foundation – strong base
▪ solid evidence – strong proof
▪ solid performance – strong show
▪ solid structure – strong building
Important examples of solid in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, solid often means strong or reliable.
Example of a confusing word: liquid (fluid, not fixed)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, solid is often used as an adjective to describe nouns.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
solid ground
'firm land', used to describe reliable or safe situations.
solid as a rock
means 'very strong or reliable', used to describe something or someone dependable.
Differences between similar words and solid
Solid means strong and firm, while firm emphasizes stability and resistance to pressure.
Solid means strong and firm, while sturdy emphasizes durability and toughness.
Words with the same origin as solid
The origin of solid
The word solid comes from the Latin 'solidus', meaning firm or whole.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.