statistics meaning
statistics :
data, numbers
▪ The statistics show an increase in sales.
▪ The data show more sales.
▪ We use statistics to understand trends.
▪ We use numbers to see patterns.
▪ figures – numbers
▪ data – information
▪ metrics – measurements
▪ analysis – study of data
statistics [stəˈtɪstɪks]
The stress is on 'tis' and sounds like 'stuh-tis-tiks'.
Common phrases and grammar about statistics
statistics - Common meaning
data, numbers
Part of Speech Changes for "statistics"
▪ statistician (noun) – a person who works with statistics
▪ statistical (adjective) – related to statistics
Common Expressions with "statistics"
▪ analyze statistics – study numbers
▪ gather statistics – collect data
▪ interpret statistics – understand data
▪ report statistics – share numbers
Important examples of statistics in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, statistics is often used to refer to numerical data in reports.
Example of a confusing word: static (unchanging)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Statistics is usually used as a noun in TOEIC questions, often referring to data analysis.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
statistical analysis
'study of data', used in research contexts.
lies, damned lies, and statistics
means 'statistics can be used to mislead'.
Differences between similar words and statistics
Statistics refers to numerical data, while data can be any information, not just numbers.
Statistics is a broader term that includes figures, which are specific numbers.
Words with the same origin as statistics
The origin of statistics
The word 'statistics' comes from the Latin 'status', meaning 'state', and evolved to mean data about the state.
Word structure
It has the root 'stat' (state), suffix 'istics' (related to), and means 'related to state data'.
Words with the same origin
The root of statistics is stat (state). Words with the same root include state (condition), status (position).