story meaning
story :
tale, narrative
▪ She told a funny story.
▪ She shared a funny tale.
▪ The book has an interesting story.
▪ The book has an interesting narrative.
▪ account – tale
▪ report – narrative
▪ anecdote – short tale
▪ chronicle – detailed narrative
story [ˈstɔːr.i]
The stress is on 'sto' and sounds like 'sto-ree'.
Common phrases and grammar about story
story - Common meaning
tale, narrative
Part of Speech Changes for "story"
▪ storyteller (noun) – person who tells tales
▪ storytelling (noun) – act of telling tales
Common Expressions with "story"
▪ tell a story – to share a tale
▪ write a story – to create a tale
▪ story of success – tale of achievement
▪ story time – time for tales
Important examples of story in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, story is often used to refer to a narrative or account of events.
Example of a confusing word: storey (a level of a building)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Story is used as a noun in TOEIC grammar questions, often appearing in contexts related to narratives.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
success story
'tale of achievement', used to describe a narrative of success.
cover story
'main article', used in magazines or newspapers.
Differences between similar words and story
Story is a general term for any narrative, while tale often implies a more imaginative or fictional narrative.
Story is used for both fictional and non-fictional narratives, while account is often used for factual descriptions.
Words with the same origin as story
The origin of story
The word 'story' comes from the Latin 'historia', which meant a narrative of past events.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.