subtotal meaning
subtotal :
partial total, sum before final total
▪ The subtotal of the bill is $50.
▪ The sum before taxes is $50.
▪ Check the subtotal before paying.
▪ Look at the sum before taxes before paying.
▪ interim total – partial total
▪ partial sum – sum before final total
▪ preliminary total – early total
subtotal :
to calculate a subtotal
▪ Please subtotal the items in the list.
▪ Please add up the items before tax.
▪ They subtotaled the expenses before adding tax.
▪ They added up the expenses before tax.
▪ sum – add up
▪ calculate – find the total
▪ tally – count up
subtotal [ˈsʌbˌtoʊ.təl]
The stress is on 'sub' and sounds like 'sub-toh-tl'.
Common phrases and grammar about subtotal
subtotal - Common meaning
partial total, sum before final total
to calculate a subtotal
Part of Speech Changes for "subtotal"
▪ total (noun) – the final amount
▪ totally (adverb) – completely
Common Expressions with "subtotal"
▪ calculate a subtotal – find the partial total
▪ add to the subtotal – increase the partial total
▪ check the subtotal – look at the partial total
▪ subtract from the subtotal – take away from the partial total
Important examples of subtotal in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, subtotal is often used to refer to the amount before taxes.
Example of a confusing word: total (the complete amount)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Subtotal as a verb is used to describe the action of calculating the partial total, often seen in grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
subtotal before tax
'amount before tax', used when calculating bills.
subtotal and total
means 'partial and final amount', used in financial contexts.
Differences between similar words and subtotal
Subtotal is the amount before final additions, while total is the final amount including all additions.
Subtotal refers to a partial total, while sum can refer to any total or amount.
Words with the same origin as subtotal
The origin of subtotal
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.