suburb meaning
suburb :
residential area, outskirts
▪ They live in a suburb of the city.
▪ They live in a residential area outside the city.
▪ The suburb is quiet and peaceful.
▪ The residential area is calm and peaceful.
▪ outskirts – the outer parts of a city
▪ neighborhood – a local area or community
▪ residential area – a place where people live
▪ district – a specific area within a city
suburb [ˈsʌb.ɜːrb]
The stress is on 'sub' and sounds like 'sub-urb'.
Common phrases and grammar about suburb
suburb - Common meaning
residential area, outskirts
Part of Speech Changes for "suburb"
▪ suburban (adjective) – related to a suburb
▪ suburbia (noun) – the suburbs or suburban life
Common Expressions with "suburb"
▪ live in a suburb – to reside in an area outside a city
▪ move to the suburbs – to relocate to an area outside a city
▪ suburb of a city – an area outside a city
▪ quiet suburb – a calm area outside a city
Important examples of suburb in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, suburb is often used to describe residential areas near cities.
Example of a confusing word: urban (related to a city)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Suburb is a noun, often used in grammar questions to describe where people live.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
suburban life
'life in the suburbs', used to describe lifestyle outside the city.
suburb of the mind
means 'a mental space or state that is away from the main focus'.
Differences between similar words and suburb
Suburb refers to a residential area outside a city, while outskirts refer to the outer parts of a city.
Suburb is a specific area outside a city, while neighborhood can be any local area within or outside a city.
Words with the same origin as suburb
The origin of suburb
suburb comes from the Latin 'suburbium', which meant an area near a city.
Word structure
It has the prefix sub (under), root urb (city), and means 'under or near the city'.
Words with the same origin
The root of suburb is urb (city). Words with the same root include urban (related to a city), urbane (polished, sophisticated).