successive meaning
successive :
following in order, one after another
▪ They won three successive games.
▪ They won three games in a row.
▪ The company had two successive years of growth.
▪ The company grew for two years in a row.
▪ consecutive – following continuously
▪ continuous – without stopping
▪ sequential – in a sequence
▪ uninterrupted – not stopped
successive [səkˈsɛsɪv]
The stress is on 'ces' and sounds like 'suhk-ses-iv'.
Common phrases and grammar about successive
successive - Common meaning
following in order, one after another
Part of Speech Changes for "successive"
▪ succession (noun) – a series, following in order
▪ succeed (verb) – to follow or come next
▪ successor (noun) – a person who follows another
Common Expressions with "successive"
▪ successive victories – wins in a row
▪ successive days – days in a row
▪ successive events – events in a sequence
▪ successive years – years in a row
Important examples of successive in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, successive is often used to describe events or achievements that happen one after another.
Example of a confusing word: successful (achieving a desired result)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Successive is an adjective that modifies nouns, and it often appears in questions about sequences or series in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
successive order
'one after another', used when describing a sequence.
in successive waves
means 'in continuous series', used to describe repeated actions.
Differences between similar words and successive
Successive is used for things that follow in order, while consecutive is used for things that happen one after another without interruption.
Words with the same origin as successive
The origin of successive
successive comes from the Latin 'successivus', meaning 'following in order'.
Word structure
It has the root 'success' (to follow) and suffix 'ive' (adjective), meaning 'following in order'.
Words with the same origin
The root of successive is success (to follow). Words with the same root include successor (a person who follows another).