supply meaning
supply :
provision, stock
▪ We have a supply of water.
▪ We have a stock of water.
▪ The supply of food is low.
▪ The stock of food is low.
▪ stock – supply
▪ reserve – provision
▪ inventory – stock
▪ provision – supply
supply :
provide, give
▪ They supply food to the school.
▪ They provide food to the school.
▪ We supply parts for cars.
▪ We provide parts for cars.
▪ furnish – provide
▪ deliver – give
▪ equip – provide
▪ distribute – give
supply [səˈplaɪ]
The stress is on 'ply' and sounds like 'suh-ply'.
Common phrases and grammar about supply
supply - Common meaning
provision, stock
provide, give
Part of Speech Changes for "supply"
▪ supplier (noun) – one who provides
▪ supplied (adjective) – provided or given
Common Expressions with "supply"
▪ supply chain – the system of getting products
▪ supply and demand – the balance of needs and stock
▪ supply goods – to provide products
▪ supply services – to provide help or work
Important examples of supply in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, supply is often used to mean providing goods or services.
Example of a confusing word: support (to assist)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Supply is used as both a noun and a verb, and questions often ask to distinguish between them.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
supply chain
'system of getting products', used in business contexts.
cut off the supply
means 'to stop providing something'.
Differences between similar words and supply
Supply often refers to giving something needed, while provide is more general in giving.
Supply is used for general needs, while furnish is often used for providing furniture or fittings.
Words with the same origin as supply
The origin of supply
supply comes from the Latin 'supplere', meaning 'to fill up' or 'to complete'.
Word structure
It has the prefix sub (under), root plere (to fill), and means 'to fill up'.
Words with the same origin
The root of supply is plere (to fill). Words with the same root include complete (to finish), deplete (to use up).