tolerate meaning
tolerate :
to allow, to endure
▪ She can tolerate loud noises.
▪ She can endure loud noises.
▪ He tolerates spicy food well.
▪ He allows himself to eat spicy food.
▪ endure – to bear with patience
▪ accept – to agree to something
▪ permit – to allow
▪ bear – to carry or support
tolerate [ˈtɒl.ə.reɪt]
The stress is on 'tol' and sounds like 'tol-uh-reyt'.
Common phrases and grammar about tolerate
tolerate - Common meaning
to allow, to endure
Part of Speech Changes for "tolerate"
▪ tolerance (noun) – the ability to accept or endure
▪ tolerable (adjective) – able to be endured
Common Expressions with "tolerate"
▪ tolerate behavior – to allow actions
▪ tolerate pain – to endure discomfort
▪ tolerate differences – to accept diversity
▪ tolerate a delay – to allow waiting
Important examples of tolerate in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, tolerate often means to allow or endure situations or conditions.
Example of a confusing word: tolerate vs. tolerate (to endure)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Tolerate is used as a verb, often in contexts where someone allows or endures something.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
zero tolerance
'no acceptance', used in strict policies.
grin and bear it
means 'to endure something unpleasant with good humor'.
Differences between similar words and tolerate
Tolerate means to allow or accept something, while endure means to bear or withstand something difficult.
Words with the same origin as tolerate
The origin of tolerate
Tolerate comes from the Latin 'tolerare', which means 'to bear or endure'.
Word structure
It has the root toler (to bear) and the suffix ate (verb), meaning 'to bear'.
Words with the same origin
The root of tolerate is toler (to bear). Words with the same root include toleration (the act of enduring).