transaction meaning
transaction :
business deal, exchange
▪ They completed the transaction yesterday.
▪ They finished the business deal yesterday.
▪ The store records every transaction.
▪ The store keeps track of every exchange.
▪ deal – transaction
▪ exchange – transaction
▪ purchase – transaction
▪ sale – transaction
transaction [trænˈzæk.ʃən]
The stress is on the second syllable 'zack', sounding like 'tran-ZACK-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about transaction
transaction - Common meaning
business deal, exchange
Part of Speech Changes for "transaction"
▪ transactional (adjective) – related to transactions
▪ transact (verb) – to carry out a transaction
▪ transaction fee (noun) – a charge for processing a transaction
▪ transactional analysis (noun) – a psychological theory related to transactions
Common Expressions with "transaction"
▪ complete a transaction – finish a business deal
▪ record transactions – keep track of business deals
▪ process a transaction – handle a business deal
▪ initiate a transaction – start a business deal
Important examples of transaction in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, transaction refers to any business-related exchange or deal.
Example of a confusing word: transition (to change)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Transaction is a noun and is used as the subject or object in sentences. In grammar questions, it may require correct article usage or pluralization.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
financial transaction
means 'money exchange', used when discussing banking or payments.
online transaction
means 'a business deal done over the internet'.
Differences between similar words and transaction
transaction is a specific business deal, while exchange can be any swap of items.
transaction refers to a formal business deal, while deal can be more general or informal.
Words with the same origin as transaction
The origin of transaction
transaction comes from the Latin 'transactio', meaning 'a doing together or carrying through'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 'trans' (across), root 'act' (do), and suffix 'ion' (noun form), so transaction means 'the act of doing something across'.
Words with the same origin
The root of transaction is 'act'. Words with the same root include act (to do), active (energetic), action (the process of doing something), react (to respond to something).