unanimous meaning
unanimous :
in complete agreement
▪ The decision was unanimous.
▪ Everyone agreed on the decision.
▪ They reached a unanimous vote.
▪ They all voted the same way.
▪ united – together as one
▪ agreed – having the same opinion
▪ consistent – in harmony
▪ harmonious – in agreement
unanimous [juːˈnænɪməs]
The stress is on 'nan' and sounds like 'yoo-nan-uh-muhs'.
Common phrases and grammar about unanimous
unanimous - Common meaning
in complete agreement
Part of Speech Changes for "unanimous"
▪ unanimity (noun) – complete agreement
▪ unanimously (adverb) – in complete agreement
Common Expressions with "unanimous"
▪ unanimous decision – everyone agrees
▪ unanimous vote – everyone votes the same
▪ unanimous approval – everyone approves
▪ unanimous consent – everyone gives permission
Important examples of unanimous in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, unanimous often describes decisions or votes where everyone agrees.
Example of a confusing word: anonymous (without a name)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Unanimous is used as an adjective to describe agreement, often appearing in questions about group decisions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
unanimous decision
'everyone agrees', used in meetings or votes.
speak with one voice
means 'everyone says the same thing', used in contexts of agreement.
Differences between similar words and unanimous
Unanimous means everyone agrees on a decision, while united means together as one group.
Unanimous means complete agreement, while agreed means having the same opinion but not necessarily everyone.
Words with the same origin as unanimous
The origin of unanimous
unanimous comes from the Latin 'unanimus', meaning 'of one mind'.
Word structure
It has the prefix un (one), root anim (mind), and suffix ous (adjective), meaning 'of one mind'.
Words with the same origin
The root of unanimous is anim (mind). Words with the same root include animate (to give life), animal (living being).