valuable meaning
valuable :
worth a lot, important
▪ This ring is very valuable.
▪ This ring is worth a lot.
▪ Her advice was valuable to me.
▪ Her advice was important to me.
▪ precious – very special or important
▪ costly – expensive or worth a lot
▪ priceless – too valuable to be measured
▪ worthwhile – worth the time or effort
valuable [ˈvæljʊəbl]
The stress is on 'val' and sounds like 'val-yoo-uh-bul'.
Common phrases and grammar about valuable
valuable - Common meaning
worth a lot, important
Part of Speech Changes for "valuable"
▪ value (noun) – worth or importance
▪ value (verb) – to consider important or worth a lot
▪ valuation (noun) – the act of estimating worth
▪ valued (adjective) – considered important or worth a lot
Common Expressions with "valuable"
▪ valuable asset – an important or worthy item
▪ valuable information – important or worthy knowledge
▪ valuable experience – important or worthy experience
▪ valuable resource – an important or worthy supply
Important examples of valuable in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, valuable often refers to something of great worth or importance.
Example of a confusing word: valid (legally acceptable)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, valuable is used to describe nouns in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
valuable lesson
'important lesson', often used when talking about learning from experiences.
valuable time
'important time', used to emphasize the importance of time spent.
Differences between similar words and valuable
Valuable means having worth or importance, while precious often implies rarity or emotional significance.
Valuable can mean worth a lot or important, while costly specifically refers to high price.
Words with the same origin as valuable
The origin of valuable
The word 'valuable' comes from the Latin 'valere', meaning 'to be strong or worth'.
Word structure
It has the root 'val' (worth) and suffix 'able' (capable of), so valuable means 'capable of worth'.
Words with the same origin
The root of valuable is val (worth). Words with the same root include valid (legally sound), valor (bravery), and evaluate (to assess).