versatile meaning
versatile :
adaptable, flexible
▪ She is a versatile artist.
▪ She is an adaptable artist.
▪ This tool is very versatile.
▪ This tool is very flexible.
▪ adaptable – able to change
▪ flexible – able to bend or change
▪ resourceful – able to find solutions
▪ multifaceted – having many sides
versatile [ˈvɜː.sə.taɪl]
The stress is on 'ver' and sounds like 'vur-suh-tyl'.
Common phrases and grammar about versatile
versatile - Common meaning
adaptable, flexible
Part of Speech Changes for "versatile"
▪ versatility (noun) – ability to do many things
▪ versatilely (adverb) – in a flexible way
Common Expressions with "versatile"
▪ versatile tool – a tool that can do many things
▪ versatile performer – a performer who can do many acts
▪ versatile solution – a solution that works in many situations
▪ versatile material – a material that can be used in many ways
Important examples of versatile in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, versatile is often used to describe people or tools that can do many things.
Example of a confusing word: variable (subject to change)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Versatile is an adjective and is often used in questions to describe the ability to adapt to different functions or activities.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
versatile performer
'a performer who can do many different acts', used in arts and entertainment contexts.
jack of all trades
means 'a person who can do many things but not necessarily expert in any'.
Differences between similar words and versatile
Versatile means able to do many things well, while adaptable means able to change to fit new conditions.
Words with the same origin as versatile
The origin of versatile
The word versatile comes from the Latin 'versatilis', meaning 'turning easily'.
Word structure
It has the root vers (to turn) and suffix atile (able), meaning 'able to turn or change'.
Words with the same origin
The root of versatile is vers (to turn). Words with the same root include convert (to change), reverse (to turn back), and diverse (different).