warning meaning
warning :
alerting, cautionary
▪ The warning sign was clear.
▪ The alerting sign was clear.
▪ She gave a warning look.
▪ She gave a cautionary look.
▪ cautionary – alerting
▪ advisory – giving advice
▪ alarming – causing worry
▪ forewarning – alerting in advance
warning :
alert, caution
▪ We heard a warning about the storm.
▪ We heard an alert about the storm.
▪ The warning was loud and clear.
▪ The alert was loud and clear.
▪ alert – caution
▪ notice – information
▪ caution – care
▪ heads-up – advance notice
warning [ˈwɔːrnɪŋ]
The stress is on 'warn' and sounds like 'worn-ing'.
Common phrases and grammar about warning
warning - Common meaning
alerting, cautionary
alert, caution
Part of Speech Changes for "warning"
▪ warn (verb) – to alert or inform
▪ warned (adjective) – alerted or informed
Common Expressions with "warning"
▪ warning sign – a sign to alert
▪ warning label – a label to alert
▪ warning message – a message to alert
▪ warning shot – a shot to alert
Important examples of warning in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, warning is often used to indicate a cautionary message or sign.
Example of a confusing word: warming (increasing in temperature)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Warning is used as a noun or adjective, often requiring a context to determine its usage in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
warning sign
'alerting sign', used to indicate danger or caution.
red flag
means 'a sign of danger or a problem'.
Differences between similar words and warning
Warning is used to indicate caution or danger, while alert is used to bring attention to something.
Words with the same origin as warning
The origin of warning
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.